Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tulay Training

Ahh...computers. One of the most brilliant inventions of mankind, yes? Hey, life's easier with them. Nobody would argue with that. But, the easier it can make things for you, the harder it gets for us in using it.
The best and awesome solution for that: TULAY TRAINING. You have got to take it. This training improves your computer skills and stuff. Well...that's what I feel now: improved computer user. :)

At first, I was too shy to talk to anybody; my body's shaking and my fingers have their minds of their own, playing with each other (if fingers could play by themselves). But then, my companions talked to me, and I felt warm inside. I thought, oh, this would be fun!

We learned about the Microsoft offices. You know, the MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Excel, MS Publisher, etc.

We learned about the computer's parts and its history.  

Oh, my favorite part was that we were taught how to edit photos and videos! It is so cool!!! We caricatured the pictures, too. And we were taught how to make our own movie. Isn't that awesome?^^

We made our own websites, flyers, brochures, invitations, planners and many more! Though, I really liked making websites more...Hey, you can't blame me for that. Making my own website? That's actually one of the best things you can jump over mountains about.:)

At the end of the day, you would have the oh-man-my-computer-grades-would-go-way-beyond-As-this-school-year-*sigh* feeling, and the yeah!-I-could-edit-photos-now-and-make-websites-and-videos-(non-stop thoughts about what you've learned) feeling. 
You would love being in this training! I swear you'll have those feelings mentioned earlier. X]

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